How can I embed a video into a thread on this website? @Okidoki has been very helpful with his instructions (get the embed link from the YT video), but the HTML I get is very different from what is recommended, and doesn’t seem to work when pasted into the thread…
This is the example that I was provided with.
But when I tried the YouTube>Share>embed route, I was given this…
Thank you for the speedy response. You’re probably quite right, but I couldn’t get that way to work. Instead, based on the example given by @Okidoki, I copied and pasted the original YT URL, then just manually deleted everything after the ? and replaced it with “feature=shared” and that done the trick.
Hmm… the share button from YT only adds the ?feature=shared to the URL for me and no iframe–something. Often the URL on it’s own also works, but this seems to be the better/saver way ? Because YT may change any direct links to be not “embedded” (so two clicks needed) ?