I have completed my model and now i plan to export it. but i want to export both the DX and OGL normal maps.
how do i do it?
I have completed my model and now i plan to export it. but i want to export both the DX and OGL normal maps.
how do i do it?
separate XYZ; invert Y; combine XYZ
one question. does that normal map include the height AND normal channels?
i dont want a separate height map
Normal maps are so to speak relative and height maps absolute and so two different things…
No. Normal map is information about relative angle, and height i just height.
Software as SubstancePainter to some extend can generate one from another. (rather height>normal)
so how would i use the height info in blender?
What for?
Just for rendering as is from painter? Dont, information from painted height is already in normal map.
thanks. that helps.
oh and if you could answer a related but different question.
its a chair. it has a metal arm and a plastic body. i plan to sell it as a game asset on CGTrader and similar places.
For now i have exported Base Color, Normal DX and OGL, Metalness, Roughness and AO maps. Should i also include a specular map?