I have done some camera matching and want to export the trackers and camera to cinema 4d. I’ve tried collada and fbx but neither are exporting the animated camera. I read a thread about parenting a cube to the camera and baking the animation. I tried doing that but after baking, the cube’s values don’t change at all. So, how would I get the tracked camera and track points exported so I can open in c4d? Thanks!
Hmm… interesting. Collada works fine when exporting from Blender to 3ds Max. FBX doesn´t, though.
This means that at least in the collada file the information of the camera and its animation are present. For some reason Cinema doesn´t read it correctly.
Maybe there is a plugin for Cinema which allows better collada import. The native collada import/export for 3ds Max is pretty bad. For a lot of things you are better of with installing a plugin called open Collada.
Perhaps there is someting similar for Cinema.
I also tried opening the collada in modo in hopes that I could export as a lightwave file which I know c4d reads, but again, the animation didn’t come through:(
In your FBX settings what do you have checked? If you are using FBX 6.1 ASCII there is a checkbox “animation”. FBX 7.4 binary has a whole Animation tab where you can check different things.
Perhaps its a matter of finding the correct settings there?
I eventually got it sorted out. I had to bake my camera and make sure the first three options were all selected. When I did that and then exported as fbx, the animation came through fine. Thanks for trying to help!