How to export "Fur" to Unity

Hey guys,
I have a question. I gave my character some fur through this tutorial:

The Character:

It uses multiple particleInstances in combination with multiple planes wich have the fur texture on it.
The particleinstances are not rendered meanwhile the planes follow the movement of the particles. This should be the low poly way to add some fur to a model. (Is it? Or is there a better way to make a low poly fur?)

Settings on the Bee Object:

Settings on the Fur planes:

My problem here now is: When I export my model into Unity, the fur isn’t following the mesh anmyore. In Blender the fur follows the Mesh automaticly, even in animations, but not in Unity.

What am I missing? Is the connection between the Particleinstanz and the Plane lost when I export everything? Did I miss something meanwhile exporting?
Do I have to weight Paint the fur to my rig? (I really don’t hope so! O_O)
What do I have to do to make it work in Unity? The model is for a mobile phone game, so it must be low poly ^^°.

Happy about any suggestion. :slight_smile:
Best regards

The fur does need to be weight painted to the rig, but there is an automatic way to do it as long as the body is already weighted.

You will have to make the fur into a real object first. This will cause the particles to no longer be instances, so you will have to watch the polygon count. If there are too many polygons, you may have to use fewer, bigger planes which you would place and rotate by hand to ensure good coverage.

Once the fur is no longer particles, combine it all into a single object, but keep it a separate object from the body. Then, parent the fur to the armature with empty groups. Now, put a “data transfer” modifier on the fur.

In the modifier:
-Choose the body object as the source.
-Check the “vertex data” option.
-In the vertex data tab, check “vertex groups”.
-Press the “generate data layers” button.
-Apply the modifier.

Now, the body’s rigging has been transfered to the fur and the fur will move exactly like the nearest point of the body.

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