How to export gltf file with ambient occlution node in blender?

I am using group nodes (input and output).But export in blender3.4 GLTF file.The ambient occlution file doesn’t export with gltf file please give me a solution
This is example :

I export the model as gltf file is working.The Ambient occlution node also export with gltf file.

This Blender model:

               I export the GLTF file. Its  doesn't  export with group nodes (ambient occlution).

This setup appears correct to me. Is it possible to share a .blend showing the issue, and the resulting .glb?

It’s a bit hard to see in your screenshot, but I think you named the group wrong. I think it needs to be named exactly “glTF Material Output”, including the spaces. See if that fixes it.