How to export UV map to do work in Photoshop and re-import onto model?

Hello, so I think there will be a simple way to do this, but I haven’t found it yet. The most I have found is how to create a UV map of an object in Blender, then import a texture, a sort of resize the texture to fit with the UV map. But I remember back to my 3dmax days and was thinking there was a better way to do this.

I want to generate the UV map in Blender, then export that to a painting software like Photoshop and then re-import the painted UV map back into Blender and onto the 3d model.

I feel like there is definitely a way to do this, but as of now I haven’t found it. Thanks.

Export UV Layout. If you don’t see the option enable the Export UV Layout addon in User Preferences / Addons

Thanks, Richard. I did some more searching on Youtube and found a video that explained how to do exactly what you said. But thanks anyway.