I know that by using CTRL + M it’s possible to flip an object.
But I now need to flip several objects, each with its own angle.
Here’s a mockup of the scenario
Each object has its own center properly setup.
What I tried is, select all of them, enter edit mode, and then the usual flip with CTRL + M followed by Y.
That didn’t work:
Okay… then of course… (i read mockup but thought… just as a replacement for one repeated object)… you are out of luck … and “just” have to do it… for every single object…
If i get you correctly: setting transform orientation to local, and transform pivot point to individual origins will give you ability to frip all objects by rotating to 180deg.
Yes of course… sometimes someone doesn’t think of the simplest things… actually the first image shows that the pivot point is not in the center of the objects but in the object… so now local… and