How to Geom curve rectangle?

i added a simple curve then went to Geom nodes
and added some nodes to get a simple rectangle
but not getting it

geom-curve2-3.blend (165.0 KB)

why is it not doing a rectangle but more a losange ?

happy bl

In the second curve line (the radius one) you have Z of the second point set to 1, set it to 0 and you get a rectangle.

You could have simply used a mesh grid to get a rectangle, (I guess there is more to this)

which node ?
is it the first curve on the left ?

i was following a video but i guess not certain why he got a rect and i did not

happy bl

No the one that is plugged into the “profile curve” of the curve to mesh node (it is partially hidden in the screenshot so you can not see the end point Z value)

i change the Z value for that radius curve and now seems to work and gives a rectangle

not certain why in video it is working cause i followed it !

happy bl