How to get a object parented to a another object to react dynamically?

Wip0001-0250.mkv (836.9 KB)

So I have this lego truck and I joined the body pieces together and used rigacar add on to make a rig for it. The radar section on the rear of the truck is parented to the body. It rotates at the pivot hinge. Is there a way to make the radar rotate as a function of the up and down movement of the wheels? Sort of like an antenna would as the truck is moving or stopping etc dynamically. I’ve tried wiggle bone add on, but that required a bone to be set up and adding a delay. But I don’t know how to do that in the graph editor or if that’s possible. Maybe a driver setup?

Basically I want to add secondary motion to the radar dish, so as the truck is animated with bumps in the road etc the radar dish reacts automatically. Is there an addon someone knows that does this?

I think the up and down z movement of the car body can some how be translated into rotation of the radar again not sure how.



Here is custom driver delay function. Very usefull.

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I havn’t seen the lego movies yet.