so I made a mesh out of a plane with an array modifier and follow path constraint and added hair particles for grass to it but it does not look the way I need it to
so it looks good on the flat part (won’t let me embed media)
but then when it curves it does not face the same direction as the mesh I guess? (kinda like this)
how can I get it to curve along with the mesh I guess?
Hi Mr Mcawesome cool guy…
Welcome to the forums.
It may be a simple matter of rearranging the modifiers, You can drag them up / down in the modifier stack with the wee icon in each panels top right corner - the 8 dots.
If not that, wander through the art section and make some comments. More interaction = able to do more. And if a automatic bot wants you doing a few things to get you a better ranking - do those too.
Then you can post an image or 2 for us to look at. You should already be able to add images (or an image) to any reply you make… So multi comment some info if you need too.
A possible help…
Just under the Hair button in the particle settings is an advanced tick box. Tick that. A Rotation panel will appear further down. Tick that too. Play about with the Orientation Axis options. Try the Angular Velocity Options.
There is a Velocity Panel - you can try setting the Normal value to 0.00. May be useful.
If the file is under 5MB you can drop it into a comment so someone can look at it. Or use a file sharing or cloud storage site to share it - and drop the link in a comment.
Make sure you are using the mesh normals in the particle sim for emission. And also make sure the hair modifier is after the array modifier.