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What you’re seeing are n-poles. The way to get rid of them is with retopology. It looks like you’re sculpting right now, so these will clean themselves up once you retopologize for animation
Thanks, now I know how it called. Can I do something with it in Edit mode?
You could always try a Remesh modifier but you’ll probably still end up with n-poles
Yeah remesh doesn’t work well with long skinny things, you’re probably going to have to retopologize if the poles are bothering you. To be fair, you don’t need if you’re not planning on animating this character, but if you are, you’ll need to retopo for sure. Another good video is this:
Yea, Im making a game ready char for myself. Trying to make everything as best as I can. I’ll check the videos for sure
Yeah if you are doing animated humans for game stuff, you definitely need retopology. Not only do you need to optimize the polycount, but also how it deforms.