How to get this form!

Hello!! :hugs:

I was trying to make a 3D of a image, but I don’t know how to make the shape of one of those things

The shape is like this:

I tried with a .svg with the shape that is in the right of the image, I want to make this kind of, “carve”? I tried with the bevel in a cube.

All I get is this, and it’s kinda weird :face_exhaling::

Hope someone can help me, thanks in advice :pleading_face:

Is this the form? :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m attaching the Blender file.
ts.blend (959.6 KB)


Yeees, it’s perfect :star_struck:

Thank you so so much :blush:

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If you add a Torus, delete the bottom half (or top half), then select half of what remains and press Y it will become loose. Move it off a suitable distance and bridge between them.

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That’s a very useful option, I tried, but I didn’t thought about delete half of the torus, I just scaled it.
I’m not used to use the torus :sweat_smile:

By the way, thank you so much :blush:

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