How to get this glass material?

I am modeling a glass bottle to apply a label design onto and I have come across an interesting texture I would like to replicate on the sides of the bottle.

What would be the best way of going about creating such material/mesh.

Would geometry nodes be a better choice? Or do I model it in some way?


I think the easyest way is to create a normal or a bump map, and to use as normal map or, (if result is not good enough) as dispacement map (with lot of subdivision).

Hey, Sara. Welcome to the Blender Artists community.

Seems to me that you can try to make similiar texture by making something like mosaic glass. You can find turorials about it on youtube.

Welcome :tada:

…well model it :smile_cat: …and use the array modifier…

I think using this as a normal map would not give the effect of the real glass geometry and glass material… …but i could be wrong…

( could not recognize if this bulges goes inward or outward…)

Could use a displacement map with micro displacement active.

Hi there :blush:

It is a far reach, but…
If you want to do it procedurally, you may take your chance with the Magic texture (level 2, I think?). Make it so that the edges are white, the middlesnare black, and stretch it with a mapping node.

It may not be the mose delicate solutions, but your reference is not perfectly even either, so you may even distort it with some noise on the vector line.

But maybe it will look terrible :smile: it was a sudden idea, I cannot test it right now.
