How to go from mode to

Hi All, very very new to Blender, I have so many ideas in my head, and sadly I am stuck, call it old brain syndrome, but how do I get from the mode in slide 1 to the mode in slide 2, that I can do, but how do I get back to the mode in slide 1, and I have spent so much time and I cannot find a way, and I am sure there must be a way from slide 1 mode to slide 2 mode and back to the mode in slide 1, where you can see through the torus shape, the shape is semi transparent…

Help help help…anyone???


There is a button in edit mode, right next to the vertex, edge and face buttons, (limit select to visible), if this is not highlighted, you can see backfaces, click on it and you should see your view turn solid. You can also access via the pie menus if they active, press Tab and select 7 for toggling the limit to visible.

The bottom image seems to be in vertex select mode and the top image in face select mode (options on 3d view header)
The bottom image also has all the vertices selected (shortcut A)
The bottom image also has the the ‘limit selection to visible’ option disabled (button on 3d view header)

On top of that, if you end up shift+clicking a mode button, you can end up selecting all types, vertex, edge and face, so check which buttons are actually highlighted. I changed my theme so the highlight is more bovious because I admit, I stumbled more than once at first.

I don’t use the limit selection to visible toggle much. Disabling it shows mesh behind and allows to do selections through.

Wireframe shading mode allows the selection through the mesh just fine and is fast to toggle, and don’t usually need to see through the mesh because the structure flow already tells what is on the other side and/or because I built it. For me the view gets messy or looks too busy if the structure behind shows through.

Hi All, I have tried the suggestions and none take me from slide 2 to slide 1 mode, I don’t know the name of the mode in slide 1. When I try I just get a solid torus.

I go from slide 2 to this, help…It should work, I am convinced I should be able to go from edit face mode to the mode in Slide 1

Hi All…
This is so frustrating, I cannot tell you how much… I am so confused, is there a way to go back and forth from mode 1 [slide 1] to any other mode and back to the same mode in slide 1??? My brain needs to figure this out, then move on, sorry for being such a pest!!! Apologies!!!

When I press tab from edit face mode I get this instead…

Please please going insane here!!!


They’re not different modes. Just view controls to display the mesh differently, it doesn’t change the properties of the mesh or object.

I suggest to watch all of the tutorials in the list if you haven’t seen them, and also to stop cropping screenshots when asking questions. It hides the feedback from the interface.

Sorry about the cropping, I watched the video from the link, and it does not show the solution I need, how to go from mode 1 to edit face made back to mode 1, I still have yet to learn what mode 1 in slide 1 is called, so for now I have to use orange semi-transparent mode. It cannot be that complex, or is it? I mean it is there when you create the torus, then change to edit mode, and all you get after pressing TAB is the solid shape in orange outline, not the orange semi-transparent mode you see in slide 1…

Loaded factory settings, created a torus, tab to edit mode and that’s what I see.

Disabling ‘limit selection to visible’ makes the geometry partially transparent. Enabling it again makes the geometry opaque.

Load factory settings doesn’t make those as a new default. If you want that, have to use file -> save as startup file to save what you have currently as the new default, and file -> user preferences -> save user settings to save the preferences as the new default.

Hi JA12, no that is not the solution, I go from mode 1, what it is called I have no idea, to edit face, I cannot get back to mode 1 and your solution does not answer this query, it as surely nothing to do with factory settings…

Just post up the blend file, your terminology isn’t helping, there are too many variables here and a cropped screen shot is not going to help solve them. When you grab a screenshot MAKE SURE to include the header bar for the viewport showing those icons, so we can establish what state you are in, face, vertex, edge mode or a combination. Also what shading mode you are in and whether the limit selection is active. Looking at the blend file would give that info straight away.

Ok, I will try, although the working method is dead simple…
Launch Blender–delete the block, add the torus, press TAB, it is in mode 1 [what is it called?] then you can select the face edit mode, as per the grey slide 2, I am unable to get back to mode 1…sending a blend file,um ok…not sure how to do that, Blender Guru never showed that…in fact never mentioned it, all the basic video I have watched, don’t mention blender files…or what is mode 1 called!!


torus orage to edit to orange mode.blend (488 KB)

Oh… um I think it might be solved… busy working on it… and I think it is just the tiny icon “limit selection to visible” then pressing A, yes that is I think solved, it does what I was hoping, wow… Never thought I would solve that, took a week… but hey it might be solved!

If you were confusing “modes” with selection, that would be it, if it is orange, it is selected, ‘a’ deselects / reselects all geometry.
Click on one face in ‘face’ edit mode and it turns partially orange as it is both selected and active. Hold shift then start clicking other faces, they turn orange, with the active, (last selected), always being partially orange. All grey means not selected.