How to hard-model a pattern onto an object?


I’m trying to create a masquarade mask that I can 3D-print to wear to an event. The problem i am having is that I want it to have a wave-like pattern that is modelled into the mask, but I do not know how to make it.

Here is the mask that I want, and here is the texture I want the mask to have on the front. Any help with this would be appreciated!

Attached is also the blend file I am using
Maskquarade_Mask.blend (895.5 KB)

You could use loads of subdivision and a displacement modifier. If you set it to UV you can put the texture on just the front if you want (scale the rest of the uv’s to 0)

You will need to subdivide a lot for a smooth result.
Once happy apply the modifier and it will turn into real geometry.

Here I only subdivided one face (in edit mode) see the dense geo.
It will be a large file.

There’s also this way.

Depending on your half-circle-fan texture and maybe with some extrudeing alng normal and subdividing borders with UV postprocessing…maybe this (?):

(This has the relifef also on the inside…)