Hey guys,
I want to have a cloth sim be influenced by another cloth sim.
Specifically I want a Sail in the wind be attached to ropes at the bottom, which keep the Sail attach to the bar.
For that I created a simple cloth sim on a subdivided plane, pinned the top vertices in place and added a wind forve field.
I then put a cloth sim onto a row of vertices, pinned both ends with a vertex group, but hooked one
side to an empty with ctrl+h, and paranted that to a vertex on the Sail.
Both cloth simulations work now, but the rope just gets longer and longer, without holding the sail back.
Changing stuff like tension in the rope sim does not do anything.
Hello! I think blender can’t simulate two pieces of cloth from different cloth modifiers interacting with each other simultaneously.
One way could be to extrude an edge from both corners of the sail and hook the ends. Then you can apply a transparent shader to them and surface deform the ropes to those extruded strips. The rope won’t be driving the sail but it will do the trick.
Another way could be to actually merge the sail and the ropes in one object, then create a hook on the sail and another on the end of the rope, and parent the latter to the former, but I’m not sure this method would actually work, haven’t tested myself.
Edit: the latter method wouldn’t work, the hook on the sail would be static. I wonder if you can parent an empty to a vertex on the sail. That way it may work
Hey, thanks for the reply. I actually got it to work. You just have to do it the oposite way I described it. You need to hook the bottom vertices of the cloth to a hook, and parant that to the end of the rope.
This worked for me.