How to import SKP (sketchup) to Blender 2.81?

So, how to do that?

I tried to export from sketchup 2019 (the file is made from 2017) to DAE, it works, but has many objects missing, like sofa, some items.

But the room is imported almost complete, just some objects gone, and some objects like door and table suddenly glitched here. (it shouldnt be there tho)

Sorry for my bad eng!

import in 2.79 with the skp importer addon. Save file and open in 2.81.

skp importer

When saving from sketchup, save to sketchup 4 to avoid rotating objects problems.

When saving from sketchup, save to sketchup 4 to avoid rotating objects problems.

hmm sketchup 4 is version or? i never touched sketchup anyways, it’s from my colleague, he gave me skp file to preview in realistic cycles renders in blender.

Or is it saving version modes?

this one?

So steps :
get blender 2.79
get addon skp read

then save skp as skp 4

then open the skp in blend 2.79

then save the blend, then go 2.81 to open it?

exactly :+1:

Any chance someone could update this to work in 2.81+? Not a big deal to use 2.79, but it would cut out a step if the plugin was updated.