How to increase/grow alpha mask?

I want to mask out my x-wing to apply different filters on the rest of the image.
I’m using object index for masking. But the mask is not perfect. How do I increase/grow the mask slightly?


Mask (inverted) applied on image

Thanks in advance.

The solution is not to grow/shrink the mask, but to get a better matte in the first place.

Create your separate pass as a view later with alpha for the ship (not object ID), then composite over the background.

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Yes, a better mask would be the solution, but you can also add a Color Ramp after your mask to increase or decrease the outer edge and get rid of that mask edge glow…

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Thanks for the fast answers!

I wanna avoid working with view layers, because I’m not totally done with layout, animating :sweat_smile: and also I wont be able to upload it to sheepit.

The solution that I’m chosing, is to use a moderate blur filter and combine that with a color ramp to grow the mask.