I’m having trouble installing Blender on Ubuntu on my new notebook.
I would try downloading the portable version from blender.org there is no need to install it, just unzip it to wherever you want and run the blender executable. (you will probable have to give it permission to execute.)
You can also make a launcher for it on your desktop.
Can you be somewhat more precise?
Usually, “installing” means: unpacking the archive and done.
To put it in other words: you don’t install anything, the archive contains everything Blender needs to run, you can move it around, rename it, copy it to another (Linux) computer, and given there’s an UI, and OpenGl, it will … just work.
The linux version is a portable version, no need to install. Just unzip and run. It should just work.
I’m new to Linux, when I download blender portable it looks like this.
I need to download winrar for blender portable to work.
The problem is that I can’t install winrar, I think that’s the problem.
I don’t understand
You have downloaded the windows version not the linux version.
If you follow the link I posted (on linux) it will show you the linux version.
Hit he big blue download button!
You do not need “winrarar” for linux. not sure on ubuntu but in open suse the file manager will unzip the folder, you just need to double click it and extract.
The linux version looks like this
Double click it and it should trigger you file manager, when it opens extract the blender folder to where you want it.
Then open the folder you extracted (that looks like this)
And double click the bender executable file to run Blender
This is what happens when I double click on the Blender file in the linux x64 folder:
what am I doing wrong?
I’m not on Linux at the moment, so I can’t show screenshots, but you should just have to right click on the Blender launcher, go to properties, and set it as an executable.
As Renzatic says you have to right click the file and in “properties” - “permissions” mark as executable.
The window you are showing is trying to open Blender with another application (as if the Blender run file was a foto, document of data file)