Hi! I’m working on a 3D model of an eye and I’m using a texture image, but the UV unwrap needs to be inverted. Right now, the outside of the UV map is the point closest to the iris - I need it to be the opposite if that makes sense. I’m relatively new to Blender - any ideas of how to invert it? Thank you!!
Welcome …
As far as i can see (no pun) this texture is for the white part of the eye with blood venes ( sclera? ) outside of the iris and the iris itself is not textured yet…
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You could try unwrapping with the Project from View option.
So first align your view to x-axis by clicking X on the navigation gizmo or hitting Numpad3 so the eye is directly in front of the view. Then in edit mode select all with A and hit U to unwrap and select “Project From View (Bounds)”. Then scale and move the UV map in UV Editor if needed.
One thing to keep in mind is that this method mirrors (or projects) the texture also to the back of the eye.