How to make a bandana with out using cloth simulation

I’m trying to make a bandana for a character that looks like this:

and the more I tried to do a cloth sim, it always ended up like this:

(Sorry for the bad quality video.)
So is there a way to get a similar result without using cloth simulation?

If its for a stylized character I would just model it into the general shape I want and then use modifiers to create some smaller details (and to remain flexible and non-destructive).
For example using a displace modifier to create folds/wrinkles with a vertex group as mask and a texture as input.
You can paint on the texture and see the results immediately or just download a bump/displacement texture with folds on it.
You don’t even need a texture, painting the vertex group alone gives you enough control over the shapes you want to dent in or push out.
You can add another layer of complexity on top by adding another displace modifier with a random noise.
But you could also just do the same thing with sculpting tools directly on your mesh using shape keys to keep non-destructibility.
If you sculpt, don’t subdivide the mesh much further, you want the least amount of polygons to describe the shape, not more.
You could sculpt several versions and then mix and blend the shape keys.
Create the knot and the tips as a separate mesh for convenience.

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To be honest, I’m really scared to try out sculpting because I don’t want to mess up, but after finding out about Shape Key, it’s a lot easier to take in the experience.
Thanks :hugs:
Here’s the progress on it: