How to make a good uv for the model?

I have a model that is complex in structure, when I tried to use smart uv project and started painting with textures, the paint started appearing on other parts of the object due to bad uv. Disabling backface culling doesn’t help much. How to make a good uv for this model?



Blender project file
34134.blend (3.9 MB)

Set it up in Options.
The normal of the object is also upside down.

I attach the revised file.

34134X.blend (1.6 MB)

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How to make normals not upside down?

Also, when I fill mesh with color not all mesh parts have it

  1. To correct the normal, select All in Edit mode and press Shift+N.

  2. If you want to fix the non-painted part, you can use the paint function in the window on the left to fill the empty part.

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The paint started appearing on other parts of the object again.

Overlapping vertices or disconnected vertices can cause problems.

It’s impossible to find one by one to solve this problem, but you can solve it by selecting By Distance by pressing M after selecting all.

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Maybe I need to retopology this model? If yes, how to make it right?

Look for YouTube videos
The video below shows the process briefly.

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Yeah, recalculating normals brings me bad results

Also standart model has messed topology and flipped normals



Please flip it back to Shift+N

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I got bad results, check upper photos.

Didn’t I set Merge too high?

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Its not my model, so I dont know, sorry.

Check this, I think I got non flipped normals

34134 (1).blend (3.7 MB)

Again the same…

Ok, dude - seriously… a significant part of the problem starts with the fact that the mesh looks like garbage. Every single thing you try to do that depends on polys and vertices is going to be a PITA, at every step, unless you clean up the topology.

(I’m not even sure how much “cleanup” is really an option. I’d just throw the whole thing away and start modeling properly.)


What can I do with this mesh to make it good one?

Seconded, you are wasting your time with this mesh