How to make a looping animation while moving?

So I want the handles in the train to go back and forth with maybe jiggle physics (please tell if theres a better way to make it look more realistic, the animation i mean) in a loop and i want them to move at the same time like real handles would. Could it perhaps do something with nla editor? Also if there a better title for this topic please reach out if theres a better name that you can come up with, thanks.

NLA editor would work yea- you could have one animation move the handle along the anchor point, to simulate the sliding, then layer another on top, to simulate the jiggling. At least, that’s the way I see it working if you give the handles an armature to work with. It could work with just one animation too depending on how you key it.
Also a suggestion for the jiggle physics: you could use the graph editor noise modifier for the jiggling. I’ve seen people get some pretty realistic results with that.

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thank you, is there a way to make the handles follow the train while doing the loop animation doe? So the handle doesnt just stat at one place place but move along the train, Im sorry if i missinterpeted your message :sweat_smile:

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You can parent the handle to an empty, animate the empty, then parent the empty to whatever you want it to move with (the train, the door, etc)


Thank you so much, this is what i was looking for. Ill try it out tomorow cus its late atm

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