I want to cut out a curved slit on a mesh like this. I added support loops along the slit and it looks nice, but at the both ends of the slit I can’t figure out how to tighten it up nicely without pinching, tried various ways of beveling or inseting, but no success…can you show me how to do the topology here? Is it possible to keep the shape of the slit ends rectangular as well?
To make it better you have to extrude with face normals. That would make it better.
But dont think you get an nice rectuangular end with subdiv, i didnt find a solution.
Basically you can’t have two wildly different levels of detail coexist on the same piece of mesh without some amount of deformation in the area where the topology “resolves”. Especially if the underlying mesh is a regular primitive such as a sphere, or at least approximates one. In your case I’d try subdividing the base object before making the incision, and resolve by looping the cut into itself, like this :
There’s another solution that might be less constraining but won’t work well for a lot of cases (animation/deformation being one of them) : keep the cut as a separate object, shrinkwrap it on the other surface, put the outer points into a vertex group, and use a data transfer modifier on those points to take normals from the other object (this makes the transition appear seamless). This way you can keep the base object low-res.
BUT it’s not good — long narrow faces on curved surfaces are evil, shape distortions will be noticeable.
You can prepare your shape first, apply its subdivision. Save a copy of it.
Then add the slit and subdivide it again. Shrinkwrapping or snapping of vertices to the copy saved before may help you to fix distortions.