hello, could someone help me with a tutorial to make a whirlpool water. I was experimenting with the simulation of fluids but it didn’t work , I’ll be very grateful!
whirlpool.blend (619 KB)
I happened to be working on something similar, it’s not great but it might give you a starting point.
Just to be sure: For a still image or an animation?
In a still a few bump/displacement maps can get you a long way (instead of using the simulation system):
Oh, and with “whirlpool” you do mean this, right? Or rather this?
Attempting to model “convincing reality” of what is basically a chaotic thing would probably be a useless quest. But you could probably come up with a pretty good realization of it using, perhaps, a few different things that are composited together. For example, you can attach a hook to a plane and use it to deform the plane so as to create a cone, and move that hook around. You could attach a few more hooks to further change the plane’s shape. Then, on top of that (literally …), you could, say, create some particle-emitters and rig them onto some construction sort-of-like a whirling water sprinkler. Build several of those, to create a whirl of particles that generally follow (and obscure) the cone, then composite the strips together … varying their timing, focus, and so on. Put multiple textures on it (one at a time, one per strip), and animate their rotating movement. Now for a double-helping of that old standby, “mist.” Don’t forget the boat and the hapless sailor (or the damsel in distress). Pretty soon, you’ve got yourself a whirlpool. Maybe it isn’t physically correct, but it’s certainly good enough to rescue the leading-lady from. And if you’re using compositing of individual elements to build-up the final shot, you can “tweak” it … and do so inexpensively. If you had nothing else to do with your schedule, you could produce a pretty amazing shot.
Thanks for the replies everyone. IkariShinji , I was referring more precisely this http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Q3-2j9uubPs/maxresdefault.jpg .
For now I will try the solution SandraLAVixen .
sundialsvc4 thanks for the advice ,i will bear it in mind!
Ok, best of luck.
May I ask if you were wnating to do a still or an animation? my source works for both, but you will have to increase the Resolution on the fluid.domain object (which will mean you need to re-bake the fluid.domain and it will take a LONG TIME) to get the results that you want for the sample you showed us.
Just as a note, fluid in Blender isn’t as great yet, the simulation works best for small scale fluids such as water going into a cup or faucet drain.
The whirlpool of water is for an animation. I was tried with several resolutions and it worked! Now remaining only the render!
Thank you!