how to make a yin yang sphere?

A circle was very easy: How to make a yin yang sphere? (withmaterial colour only)

Do you mean without any mapping?
You could try using subsurf (modifier) on a cube (properly subdivided for the colours.) I’m quite sure it should work.

Without texture, with material colour.
The only link I could find which shows what I want to make:

can you load an image of it into a vector based image creation software?
I’m on Linux and Inkscape can trace the image and export vector curves that can be imported into blender.
This has saved me tons of time when creating 3d logos from jpegs!

I went ahead and scanned this for you.
But now that I read the topic again, it seems you want to make a sphere instead of a flat image, so I’m not sure this will help you out.:spin:


yinyang.blend (121 KB)

Thanks for your time. But yeah, I want to make a sphere, not a circle. Actually I mentioned(kinda) that I have done a circle (that image is a render).

I think you want something like a tennis ball?
Maybe you could adapt this:-

EDIT - That page seems to not exist anymore. I’m not sure if this is the same tutorial, but it will get you a tennis ball -

Well if I rotate it z90 and x45 it is almost like a yin yang sphere. Thanks for the link, but I think there is a better way? I don’t like the topology…

I still fail to visualize in my mind how a “ying-yang” sphere looks like.

Is this close to what you need?

  • Add a UV sphere with the poles on the z axis. Go into Edit mode and add a circle, rotate it 90 degrees on the x axis so it is a circle in front view then scale it down (this is a guide to cut the UV sphere).
  • Extrude the top and bottom vertex of the circle on the x axis to outside the sphere.
  • Deselect the circle and link select the sphere vertices.
  • Use the knife tool and snap the knife cut to the vertices of the circle. This will give you the required shape.
  • Delete the vertices from inside the new edge you have cut, this will give one half of the Ying-Yang sphere
  • Duplicate the half and rotate it 180 degrees on the z axis then 90 degrees on the x axis
  • Join the meshes and clean up the topology by rotating edges and merging vertices.


sorry couldn’t find spare time…

Is this close to what you need?
Looks like it
Deselect the circle and link select the sphere vertices.Use the knife tool and snap the knife cut to the vertices of the circle.
What is link select and snap the knife cut?

If you press L whilst close to a vertex, it will select all linked vertices.

K Knife (Exact) hold down Ctrl whilst moving the knife cursor it will snap to the nearest vertex.

There are loads of these basic modelling tips covered in the Precision Modelling Guide.

Thanks I had no idea about the snap knife cut, very neat. You have free space between the 2 parts as well, do you? I tried to fill those parts, but lost the ‘spherical shape’, subsurf makes it worse

You can remove doubles where two vertices sit on top of each other W remove doubles.

Where they aren’t close enough to be automatically merged use the Alt-M merge menu. You might need to rotate some edges from the poles to get them to line up and add others with the Ctrl-R loop cut.


I don’ seem to have doubles, just some space between the 2 parts. Is that same for you?

oops. you haven’t scaled the circle to the right size.
If you look at the images I posted earlier you will see the circle is scaled to the same size in front view as the 8th ring from the pole of the UV Sphere (on a 32 ring UV Sphere). That should give you the correct size without the gap.

The thread seemed to die in january, but i just picked up the issue today and posted this zoomable webspace with some results:

i actually don’t use blender yet, but the .3ds file and the math should be useful if anyone wants to play with these shapes.


i am very interested in Chinese and Korean culture and i know that Ying Yang plays an important role in their culture. There are many Ying Yang images around the Internet but i want to design one by myself.