How to make an anime style drill?

Hi,I’m tring to make a drill just like the image below but I can’t come up with a good idea.

I came up with an idea that after made an spring like shape and use it for displacing gutter part of drill from corn shape by using boolean modifier but, I could have only made normal straight spring.I can’t make the shape fits to a corn not straight spring(sorry for my English and poor explanation).

If someone had good idea about that, please let me know. completely different method is off course ok.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Enable the Curves - Extra Objects addon

Add / Curve / Spiral and change its settings.

Give the spiral some thickness

Wow, That was very quick and perfect answer for me! thank you so much!


I didn’t know screw tool can be used like this. Thank you very much!

How do I give the spiral thickness? Do I just bevel a bezier circle along it? Or is there a better way? Thanks.

Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out.