How to make an unmoving plaid effect in Blender?

For those unaware, “unmoving plaid” is an effect where the texture doesn’t move with the object it’s applied to. Think “Stan from the Monkey Island games”, and that’s what I’m shooting for. So I’d like to ask, is there a way to do this effect in Blender? A way to do it in Cycles would be preferred, since I’m more used to the Cycles material system, but if you have a way that only works in Blender Internal, I could make do.

You could use another object (an empty) as the texture coordinates


This works perfectly, thank you for the help!

After checking this out a bit more, this method (at least, in Cycles) doesn’t work when an object actually has to move - it causes the texture to distort and stretch towards the empty whenever it moves.

Have you tried mapping to Window coordinates? That would work too, although the texture would also completely ignore the model’s curvature. I think that’s how Stan’s suit behaves anyway.

not certain what it is
I look at one video and it looks more like simple object mapping

you got window or may be camera mapping too

happy bl

To me this looks like an obj or material ID mask and any texture image you look at through alpha transparent hole this mask creates.

After experimenting a little more, I ultimately found out that it can be done by taking using the Camera output of a texture coordinate node. This gets the effect I was looking for, without warping or deforming the texture at all. Thanks for the help!

can you show nodes set up so we know how you did it

may be with small anim to see the effect you were after
cause I’m still not certain which effect it was

happy cl