How to make Bezier curve control points symmetric?


I’ve made a Bezier curve like this and set handle type to automatic:

The problem is, that I can’t set the control points symmetric:

How can I set control points symmetric?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Knowing the math behind beziers i always thought that some applications do have weird or not enough options to control them… (for example moving tangents control of previous and next control point in sync) and yes blender has AFAIK no option to make any control point symmetrical…

Oh… wait… there was… i believe this one ???


@Okidoki Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

After a lot of trying, I think I found a solution.

Hope it helps someone:

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Yes this will scale the control points individually… and recalculate them so they are kind of “equal lenght”… but that doesn’t “symetrize” them if you have moved one tagent differently (this is the title of your post)…

Use the new Curve Pen Tool

Press right ctrl key while left mouse hold on opposite handler… another handler will turn symetric. (*first left mouse click and hold or drag the handler… and after… press the right ctrl key)


Oh yess i need to look more into the “new” toolbat tools :sweat_smile: … to be honest most of the time i hide the t-panel… Thanks to reminds me and i learnt something to day…

This is something like a hidden gem… so in the future i will look more in the toolbar AND the keymap :wink:.

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