How to make bone a child , when it is under some or other constraint?


i have applied for hand control , a ‘child of’ constraint
with the chest control.
After that i made hand ctl and all other cntls, a normal
child of CTL_whole.

now when i rotate the ctl_whole, the hand ctl, moving

plz help
thank you

Basically, if you want a child-of constraint on a bone, it needs to not also be actually a child of that bone down the line or it will double up the transforms it inherits. You could unparent the hand bones and just have those child-of constraints.

If you want to be able to turn on or off the relationship to the chest, that could be achieved similarly to how IK/FK switches are–you have the affected deform bones all unparented, as well as a different chain following each of the ways you’d like the relationship to go, each in their own collection (formerly layers), and a switch to change which of the chains the deform bones’ Copy Transform constraints are listening to.

A simple tutorial about switching with bone layers that avoid circular dependencies is below. (Though the one I followed recently from my go-to tutorialist Pierrick Picaut has a thicker accent, is from an older version of blender, and includes a lot of unnecessary details since it’s actually about pinnable joints, through here.)

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