How to make camer go arrond object many time .

Hello, I created object with empy O. insisde > Circus curve arrond > conected with camer ad animated . But camer go onece round (empty) and stop . I can’t do it with f-curve -I cant edit.

I want camer go arround many times .
How to do it


linearint.blend (639 KB)

just parent the camera to a circle. rotate the keyframe the circle to rotate 360 and then extendthe curve with linear extrapolation in the F-curve editor

amdbcg_linearint.blend (731 KB)

I had fun.

  • Put an empty in where you want the camera to rotate.
  • Parent the camera to the empty
  • Rotate the empty to your heart’s content. [ I rotated this one 360 degrees on the z axis so it loops. I also used the play/record keyframe button to make the keys loop indefinitely.

I haven’t done it yet, but I think if you were to add some vector/motion blur to the final video, it would look amazing. :slight_smile:

Made a video using your settings too so you could see the looping in action. I used the sequence editor to put the videos together. On second thought, rendering them out into a folder as .tif or openExr and then rendering out the image sequence would have given a higher quality result. it still looks pretty cool :yes:

[ can you find the two seams ? XD )

Ok but it go round only 1 time then stops.
I want the camer go 5-6 times.

then extendthe curve with linear extrapolation in the F-curve editor

But I can’t edit f-curve it bloked.

To change the speed of the rotations, move the keys in the dopesheet closer or further to each other. scrub through the timeline and it will circle forever.

linearint_F.blend (707 KB)

You are great !!!


Can You write step by step how You did it?

Add a circle.
just parent the camera to a circle.
insert a keyframe on the circle
move forward in time 10 seconds
rotate the circle 360 degrees
insert keyframe on the circle
extend the curve with linear extrapolation in the F-curve editor (Shift E–>>linear extrapolation)

thank You !!!

Or instead of the circle add an empty. Empties are really good for this sort of thing :wink:

^^ what ajm said.