And i want to make this - round shaped edge with red bricks:
After googling for while, LoopTools - Curve seemed to be way to go, but after big struggle i got very insuefficient results only. I prepared my mesh like that:
It looks like Loop tool - Curve creates some kind of half circle/ellipse while my desire is to only get one quarter of it to get nice ark from one point to another.
In the end i kinda managed to get what i wanted via Spin tool:
But that is creating completely new vertices, which i will have to connect to the rest of my mesh, also making it that way seems kinda slow.
I would expect there has to be a better way to do it, is there any? Something that subdivide my face automatically, creating round shape as i specify… and ideally it stays connected to the rest of the mesh.
Here is my model if that useful somehow… hipoly3.blend (613.4 KB)
shift D for duplicate your spin curve.then scale the duplicate to the oudside.then select both curves and bridge fill.
or extrude the spincurve and scale should work too.
yes,then extrude the beveled edge and get the stone area.