How to make effect like this in node shader?

Hi im trying to make this effect in blender, in substance or any image editor app it done by blurring the image and subsracting result with the initial image.
I try to use ambient occlusionmap and bevel node. only the bevel node has some result.



but you cant get the radius to expand more like the target.
is there any way to do it ?

the node setup that I use to test

here’s a thread where we tried something similar, maybe it’s useful - Blur Edges of Transparent PNG - #9 by etn249

similar concept, blurring and getting the difference -

Thank you for the answer
I already know about this, but this blur effect can only be used before the image or node not after it.

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thank you for the answer but with this method it doesnt have gradient that I need for making peeling paint effect. and it doesnt work with noise or pattern that only have constant value.

The use case is better in the first statement…saves some time…
Watch this…

Thank you I will watch it