How to make object instances that use hair particles from overlapping each other?

I am trying to create a scene which shows a closeup shot of a ground that has a bunch of foliages.the problem arises when I use hair particles and put the plants as instances, there are a lot overlapping objects appear which doesnt look nice when having a hero shot. Does someone know a solution to this problem?

I havent touch the settings much as i dont know any of its functions because im new to this.

not sure it’d work in your case, might even make a bigger mess, is i used rigid body dynamics to seperate spheres i instanced on particles to keep them seperated. i also had to put a force in place to attract them back to close to where i wanted them after they flung apart from the rigid body repulsion. for the latter part, gravity might be a force to get them back on the ground. again, may not work for your specific case, but it’s an idea?

Have you changed the seed value (just under the hair particle amount) to try various random layouts?
Why not particle edit? Delete the bad / overlapping ones and manually add new ones in the gaps already there.

Use Geometry Nodes. It has spacing between instances built in.