I have this scene where a palm tree grows out of the ground. I’ve setup geo nodes for the tree trunk to have the leaves grow based on the position of empties. The first leaves I have set up to grow up straight and then rotate down into the correct position. The very first leaf I have the stem and then the leaves alone as their own objects, and what I want is for the leaves to grow along the stem as the stem grows and rotates. I want my leaf object to grow along my stem object because when a palm tree is growing it is only a stem at first, and then the leaves grow out of the stem after it has been growing a while. I am animating a time lapse of a palm tree growing from out of sand on a small island, and it’s very up close and in a slower motion. I only care about the very first leaf being a stem only and then growing out it’s leaves from the stem. Sorry I didn’t explain it more, I can see how it can be confusing since it is a bit complicated. I’m using geo nodes for this because for the life of me I could not get the array modifier to line up correctly, and this is much more convenient of a setup. I tried using the Mesh To Curve node using the final output on the stem setup to go into the Instance On Points of the leaves object but I couldn’t get it to line up. I think it’s math again and I am so awful at figuring that kind of thing out. Thanks again for your time and patience and kindness.