How to make realistic crumbs?

I am trying to make a realistic render of a chocolate donut with some raspberries in it; i am stuck in making those crumbs, i tried 2 different ways to get to my goal,the first one with geometry nodes (i don’t really like it, it looks like some sort of virus) and the second one with particle system but with neither of these solution i am 100% happy, is there a better and effective way to do that (also i would like not have 500.000+ vertices as a result)? Thanks

  1. Large chunks and small chunks, and even in the same group, we need different sizes and shapes.
  2. a realistic representation of material.

The problem is that the completeness of both methods must be high in order to produce natural results.
I think it’s not about which blender function you use, it’s about how you express it.ul. :thinking:

If you search for YouTube videos, I think you can get some hints.
Analyzing actual videos or photos is also helpful. :slightly_smiling_face:

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