I am following tutorial and stuck a little on this one. First of all my spacebar always enables timeline.
Secondly this guy I believe uses some custom short keys.
My problem is this plane marked in orange. I need to make it plane vertical instead curved. Any suggestions how can I do it once the plane is selected?
Since I am here I may ask another question. After separating cap fro ma bottle I noticed when editing one other gets adjusted too. In this case when I select bottle and edit cap gets adjusted and vice versa. I pretty sure it’s an easy solution just don’t know how to word it for google search.
To make spacebar do something more useful you can go into User Preferences, Keymap and change Spacebar Action to Tools or Search, whichever you prefer.
To flatten selection on one axis all you need to do is scale that selection on that axis 0 times.
Not sure about the last question, because separation shouldn’t cause what you’re describing. Perhaps you could show a few screenshots of what you’re selecting, what you’re editing, and what happens before and after?
I regards to “separate” take a look at the screenshot. Cap was created from a bottle neck and blender treats both objects as a single object. Hope it makes sense! Thanks
So you’ve split the edges but haven’t actually made the cap its own object, but want it to be its own object? Strange, your original screenshot suggests that it already is, that’s why the question wasn’t clear. But anyway, the Mesh -> Separate operator in edit mode can separate selection into its own object.
Thanks Stan. That’s exactly how I did. But still it treats like one. The way I split is : In edit mode at 0 viewport part f the bottle neck can be selected in edit mode. Then shift + D duplicate and I got duplicate.
Maybe trick is in duplicate origin?
If you duplicate in edit mode you just make another copy of the geometry inside the same object. That’s not the same as Separate.
I feel like I still don’t understand the problem that you’re having.