How to make shadow transparent

the texture is transprent, but the shadow isn’t.

here’s the settings.

here’s the shader nodes that i use.

Check out the manual. Both Alpha Clip and Alpha Hashed are possible.

Material Settings — Blender Manual

Alpha Clip

The surface will cast shadows like an opaque surface, but only areas where the alpha value is above the Clip Threshold value.

Alpha Hashed

The surface will cast shadows like an opaque surface, but only areas where the alpha value is above a random threshold.

Eevee doesn’t handle what you’re looking for here well at all. You’ll want to use Cycles

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that’s exactly what i did, and it failed

but it’ll fry my laptop

Some things require more than a basic laptop.

bro im too young to buy one, let alone gain money :skull:

This might be an XY problem. Why do you need the shadow to be transparent?

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Please refer to the video. This is a trick.

bro this is the exact tutorial i used to make that shader, i just want to have a automated shadow that works on any object underneath it, not just a plane :skull:

The software also doesn’t care how much money you have.

I’m not mocking you. I’m saying that if your system cannot handle a particular goal, you need to change the goal to something else.

And it’s not uncommon that having to do this can lead you into a direction that you would not have considered, and looks great.


I think it is possible, you could use a mix shader and a light path shadow ray node, in the mix node you are going to combine two versions of the shader:

-one is the surface that you already have

-and the other is the surface with absolute transparency where it has transparency and the rest in black.

-the result

Don’t forget to use both the shadow mode and the blend mode as “hashed”.

I did realized this “strange” behaviour in Eevee on my maybe too old grahics card (OpenGL not high enough for blender 4…):

While fine with transparent shader… using any mix … it simply doesn’t work ???

Maybe that’s what you’re looking for. Use the water plane like the Gobo Light Setup from this video. It works for me.

Blend Mode: Alpha Blend
Shadow Mode: Alpha Hashed
Deselect Show Backface
Add a Spot Light and reduce the radius to 0 and change the size if needed.

thankzies, now i know why the shadow doesn’t work

this will work