How to make some quads transparent in blender render mode

I know how to do this in cycles but I’m using blender render now cause is faster to render and I like the lighting better.
I tried setting the alpha for the color but I don’t know how to use it, please see this blend.

it has the needed textures, and that’s ok if I don’t get nice lighting for the small house as I added the house later. So yea I need the transparency for the windows.

Also very important… can someone tell me how to disolve the 2 edges by the chimney? I can’t disolve them with x dissolve but I did disolve the other 2 that are gone don’t know why, if someone can explain me the reason thanks.

How to make some quads transparent in blender render mode

Apply a material to those faces that has transparency enabled and reduce alpha value

can someone tell me how to disolve the 2 edges by the chimney?
Which edges. Note that faces cannot have holes in them so if blender does not allow an edge to be dissolved you cannot dissolve it. Why do you need to dissolve the edge ?

Oh you are right I didn’t see it that way, but it was the edge showing on the photo or right side of the house roof. and thanks I did add the transparecy, I couldn’t before because I had nodes enabled for no reason.

Now I have another question, how to remove these artifacts on the windows.

here is blend file.:

I was able to solve the visual artifacts with “full over sampling” option for the material of the wall.
I have another problem now, part of my frame looks pink and some wall too. I have the mesh face set to a material with texture like on the uv editor and is not pink but the color of the rest of the house, what is causing this?

I have also attached a blend file of the current progress with the edge selected and showing on the uv editor and 3d view in edit mode. render it as is and you will see it pink.

nevermind that I solved it by reducing the size of the light.
I have a new problem check photo:

this thing is showing up instead of the normal circle for brush draw and is not allowing me to paint anymore also some itmeline showing on the bottom:

what is going on?