How to make this bucket handle?

I tried using simple deform but dk how to make it exact like the image.
Below i have attached the blender file.

5kgbuck.blend (1.0 MB)

Hi, use a Bezier curve you will have more control of the shape.
handle.blend (904.3 KB)

I dont really know how to model with bezier curves, can you explain in detail how to make the exact shape with curves ?

This tutorial and the file i have linked should explain it.

how to make the handle bevels something like the image instead of round ?

Any other way to do it ?

handleCurve.blend (894.3 KB)

A Bezier curve really would be the best way to model it, and you’ll quickly get the hang of it with just a bit of practice … Use a curve with a small-circle bevel shape.

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Thanks for the reply, i had made it work by extruding and converting to mesh and then editing the mesh. Your way seems more right.