Guys I do not have any idea about how to make this material (not leaves and diamondish shapes). I can manange to make that metalish unrough features of material but there are some glitters in specific areas if take a closer look. Didn’t saw anything like that being done in tutorials or generic blender videos on internet. Do anyone in here know how to?
I see 2 materials here.
The metal is just a low roughness metallic material with a slight golden hue. There are some areas like the leaves that have a grainy bump. I would do that by hand painting a black and white texture (or vertex colors) that affects the strength of the bump so it shows up only on some parts of the model.
The glass/jewels. The glassy sections would need to actually be modeled separately to really look right. The material would just be a low roughness, clear glass material with the blue color done using a volume shader inside of it. The material would also need to use the light path trick to remove the glass’s shadow (as Cycles doesn’t do glass shadows well) and the render settings would need some volume bounces for the inner color to work well.
Here is a quick example of the materials and settings I am describing.
materials.blend (1.0 MB)
I think most of the work would be in the modeling. The materials are really not that hard.
i cant find any texture paints in file you provided
That’s because I did it using vertex paint (aka color attribute). You could also do it using texture paint, but I find that a bit more complicated.