November 6, 2016, 7:22am
I’ve seen this thread:
, but I am not 100% sure how to do it like that. I know what the array modifier is, but not sure how to apply this into a pattern over a pipe. I’ve tried to extrude every other edge loop inwards, but it did not look so good.
This is the pattern I want to duplicate, that is on the pipe.
do you want corrugated helicoidal like on a dryer flexible pipe
or straight bands ?
and is it for cycles ?
happy bl
November 6, 2016, 11:30am
Hi! It is for cycles. I want it exactly like it is seen in this picture (top part):
November 6, 2016, 12:18pm
Could fake it
Just a quick hacked together material making it look like it has more geometric detail but it doesn’t. Environment map is too big to share, use your own.
untitled.blend (104 KB)
(Benny G)
November 6, 2016, 1:14pm
You can fake it excellent tip from JA12 or you can use True displacement with blender 2.78 Experimental mode
Tube - rings displacement.blend (703 KB)
You can also model it using Frame Duplication
Here is the blend: pipe.blend (168 KB)
November 6, 2016, 4:43pm
try this one
happy cl
Thank you!
Could fake it
Just a quick hacked together material making it look like it has more geometric detail but it doesn’t. Environment map is too big to share, use your own.
Wow! Nice solution, thanks!
Many thanks guys for all the different solutions! Love this forum. Always full of helpful people!
(Benny G)
November 7, 2016, 4:23am
I have uploaded the blendfile for the displacement if some one need this maybe for different project if needed :eyebrowlift2:
I did not know about Dupliframes, that will be perfect for me! Normally I used curve + array follow curve method but that sometimes screwed up the shape overall.
And it will be perfect when creating fenceposts and similar stuff!
I did not know about Dupliframes, that will be perfect for me! Normally I used curve + array follow curve method but that sometimes screwed up the shape overall.
And it will be perfect when creating fenceposts and similar stuff!
Yes, I discovered it just recently, no more curve + array since then
it’s not at all intuitive, and you have to know it exists, so for anybody interested here is the manual page: DupliFrames — Blender Manual