How to make this creamy foggy white light?

I have seen many interior rendering that are looking light and white, like the example below, but i am curious how to achieve this creamy and plain white light?


Anyone? Any tips would be appreciate!

I have tried blowout the world lighting
tried increase the exposure and gamma in color management panel.
Also tried using a area lamp outside the windows, none of seems working like this.
Or is it because of the floor plan? is it have to be in a big open window scene?

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Thanks, i will take a look at this!

Blowing out your lights or exposure won’t give you this lighting effect. What gives this effect are 2 main factors:
Global illumination bounces
*Most important: White walls, around .8 (80% albedo) will allow the walls to reflect a lot of light and give this well illuminated effect.

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Thanks, i will try it now and see if i could achieve it!

This can be made quite easy with curves adjustments and maybe some fuzzy masking or lightness keying for control. It almost doesn’t matter what your initial renders look like as long they are noiseless and it saves a lot of long renders. Even your example has been worked that way.

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Any example or reference on that?
I would love to learn how it works.
Thanks this is what I was referring to and in the second is actually the pro workflow with render passes (he is using vray but cycles offers similar ones)


Wow, the second video opens my eyes!!!
Thank youy so much!