Hi, are you asking how to paint it to look like this? or are you asking how to apply the paint to the object?
Odd, that looks like someone had painted dirt in the crevices and then warped that UV map with another object and this was the result.
It is necessary to make texture, that is, material
so do i use two materials
you could use a noise texture with distortion. I would look similar. Then you could mask the upper part with a painted mask
I took a screenshot of an online fluid sim and then ran it through a colorramp and a principled shader.
Hope that helps
Maybe like this
texture.blend (1.3 MB)
You would have to play with it. This is just as an idea, i didn’t spend much time on it.
thank you.
thank you you are a genius
I downloaded the file but it didn’t work, I wonder what image you used
I thought i packed it. Its just the painted mask. just disconnect it. You can paint your own, by selecting it and going into paint mode