How to make UV map square/match geometry


I am experimenting a bit with a cylinder for a simple castle model and I struggle with making the UV map of the cylinder match the geometry so my texture does not distort. I have created a doorway that is the biggest problem. I have managed to make the top and bottom of the cylinder flat by scaling and pinning, but the doorway does not match the geometry in the model. Any tips?


With texture:

UV map:

Create seams on the arch.

Thank you, I did not know it was that simple :slight_smile:

I see now that it did not fix the problem completely. I tried now and it matches better, but the two bottoms does not match:


How do I make the two bottoms align. I have tried just moving them manually, but then I also move some other edges in the UV and distort them

You can do manually by separating the meshes on the UV screen.

Thank you, that worked.