How to merge faces after extrusion?

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 14.38.13
After extruding a mesh. how can I merge the faces? I just need from the mesh what is seen from outside and get rid of the inner doubled faced part.

You can use the knife to create an edge on the selected face, then use alt M to merge the new vertices to the ones you highlight (or snap with auto-merge option enabled), and delete the inner face.


thank you! But that would be too much work. Looking for a more automatic version…

For more automatic option use remesh modifier or one of the remeshes sculpting tools.

I’m not sure there’s any simpler way to do it, actually when you model you need to anticipate this kind of situations in order to avoid them

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remesh modifier doesn’t work properly. I just showed a simplified version of my problem. In this case remesh modifier might work.