How to Merge Two Normal map details into one Map?

Hi guys. I have a problem.I have two baked normal maps. That one is head detailed and another one is body detailed. Now, how can i merge them together in one normal map ? Can blender do that ? Also i have to take care of Uv’s . I have to fit it.

It’s hard to make out if you’re UV’s aren’t overlapping, but if they aren’t.

Basically you need to make a ID map.
Assign different coloured materials or different vertex colors to the parts you want to separate from each other. So one color for body, one for head. If you have only 2 different parts you can do black and white for easy material blending.

Bake that map out to make selection from that in photoshop or blend it in blender. If you are using vertex colors you don’t even need to bake it out, just use it as a blend factor in shader nodes to mask out the parts that you need.

You can then bake that map out if you want to, but it should already look correct without baking.

so how i can blend them in blender ?

See if one of these helps.

Exactly as I described in the first post:

@colkai As far as I can see from the images he provided he isn’t adding details onto a normal map, he just has 2 normal maps that are in the same UV space.

Ahh, gotcha, I’d bake to a new UV map in that case myself.