I’m trying to finish my first sculpt, I’m very nearly done but now I’m having huge issues. I finished sculpting everything, but in order to fix a back leg that wasn’t mirrored, I figured I could just delete half of my sculpt, and then mirror it.
Except that’s not working.
Trying to use the mirror modifier results in a horrendous seam down the middle
Yes, I’ve tried to flip the Normals, multiple times, multiple different ways. I’ve tried to fix them before and after merging both halves together, but it breaks every single time. I’ve tried to apply the Multires Modifier first, still issues.
( only on mobile )
Cutting in half an ovject with multires modifier and then using a mirror modifier is bad idea. The edges at the middle libe are affected by the subdividing… so you might want to use Symmetrize or copy / mirror to fix the leg…
It is worth checking your temp folder to see if there is an autosave of the file before you deleted, Blender makes autsave backups every 2 minutes by default. As long as you have not cleared your temp folder or change the default preference you could be in luck.
Well, I don’t have a file I can use but I thought I could append the object I need (the body before I cut it in half). But when I try to append the object Blender freezes and crashes. So I did it the other way around, I went to the file with the good body, and then appended the object (the mouth) that I had finished in the file with the bad body.