How to model a Ghillie suit?

Well i solved it. Just pulled down the faces and gave them a shape. Now looks better. Thank you so much you helped me a lot. Wait for it ! I will send a photo right here. I want to show how is looks. :wink:

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Hey ! Should i delete what it created which one is disconnected ?

thats what i want !

I can’t say its an art . But not bad too XD Thank ya again ( should i delete parts which is disconnected to main object ? )


Either delete what you don’t need or move it to another layer.

Hey ! How does he looks ? :slight_smile:

Looks good, but I’d be tempted to make some of the cloth strips much longer after looking at reference of real ghillie suits and perhaps mix in a second type of “hair” - what looks like untangled bits of rough string that then look a bit like dried grass.

I suppose these suits are all different to each other and added to with whatever is lying around in the environment.

Have you done any test renders yet?

İ wont lie its lookin really good . How about you?

Where you gone ? You wont say how is that looks? İs that really bad?

It looks good but could be improved with a bit of variation in the colour and perhaps trying it lit by a nice outdoor HDRI?

Hdri? How i will enable it?

I don’t use 2.79 anymore, but, from memory:

1 Go to the World tab in properties
2 Click Use Nodes
3 Click the flyout at the end of the bar called colour and choose Environment Texture
4 Click the file open bit of that and point it at an HDRI image - Google HDRI Haven to find a resource with a huge amount of great free HDRIs

That’s the basics. An easy way to control it more is to activate the Node Wrangler addons. Then go into the Node Editor, switch to world, click on the HDRI image node and hit Ctrl+T - this will add a couple of nodes which will enable you to easily rotate the HDRI image to light your object in the most pleasingly way.

I use HDRI images to light 90% of the stuff I do in Blender. I just think they can make for more pleasing renders as well as giving reflective objects some nice stuff to reflect.

The main ask. Will unreal engine 4 accept my ghillie things?

I have no idea. I know next to nothing about game engines sadly.

Well. Thank you for your help. İt looks great. Thanks to you :slight_smile:

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Hello! Its me (again ) Should i click on convert? I don’t want a copy of that.

If i click on convert that happens

it makes a copy what it created.
But i just want a hair on my pants. So i should don’t touch anything. I think its already applied to my pants.Right?

I know very little about particle systems. If it was me I’d do a Ctrl+S, then delete it, then do a Save As and have a new file from that point on. I usually do sequential saves for most things and they have saved me a lot of work.

then im not goin click to convert.If i did add a particle system,its already applied.(thats how i think )

didnt work :confused:

How about converting them and do Ctrl+J with the main object