How to Model a Rope in Blender

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Have fun and I hope you learn something new. :slight_smile:

  • Reyn

Pretty cool tut. Might want to amend instructions on when and when not to be in edit mode.
Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks - very nice tutorial - I am going to use the technique to improve the ropes on my clock mechanism, see my first ever post.

Thanks again. clock.

A bit like this:

Only problem so far is you are limited to 100 iterations, so I will need to find a way around that…

Thanks too, Eldson. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing that. It looks nice. Regarding the iterations limit, I think if you copy the modifier, you can add another additional 100 iterations to that, making it 200 already. I might be wrong though. :wink:

  • Reyn

Unfortunately it crashed Blender when I copied the modifier, if the total gets above 100 it just dies… Oh well I will break the rope into sections or something like that.

Thanks. Clock.